Thursday, February 27, 2025
6:00-7:30 PM ET
Document-Based Questions, which require sophisticated historical thinking and literacy skills, are often inaccessible to multilingual learners. This session for grade 6-12 social studies teachers will present a methodology for making DBQs accessible to MLLs, through scaffolding tools and model DBQs created by a team of history teachers and EL specialists from Massachusetts through a Library of Congress grant.

Meet The Presenters

Abigail Driscoll
Interim Assistant Director of Multilingual Learners, Lynn Public Schools, Lynn, MA

Whitney Nielsen
History Teacher, Hudson Public Schools, Hudson, MA

Todd Wallingford
Director of Humanities, Hudson Public Schools, Hudson, MA
President, Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies
Please note: The views expressed by guest presenters are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Immigrant Learning Center.