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With all you have to deal with in and out of the classroom, it can be hard to know where to turn for help when issues arise. When it comes to immigration, we’re here for you. Explore our growing collection of resources for supporting immigrant students and their families and for educating all students about U.S. Immigration.

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Teacher engaging with children in classroom
A diverse group of five adults studying together at a table in the library. They are having a discussion, with books open in their hands and on the table.

Professional Development

Learn best practices and the latest research from immigration experts and master teachers with free training from The Immigrant Learning Center. Live virtual trainings occur throughout the year, including the annual Immigrant Student Success summer conference, and recordings of past topics are available study on your own time.

See More Professional Development

The ILC is a certified Professional Development Provider (PDP) by the commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Teacher in a classroom looking at a computer screen

Searchable Resource Hub

In addition to creating original materials to support educators, we have collected free, high-quality resources on a range of immigration-related topics in this Teacher Resource Hub. Searchable by topic, grade level and keyword, you are sure to find useful tools in this robust collection of books, lessons, videos, factsheets and more.

Explore the Resource Hub
Woman smiling behind podium with The Immigrant Learning Center logo as a background

Teen Perspectives Awards

The annual Teen Perspectives Contest from The Immigrant Learning Center highlights the voices of the latest generation of American high school students.

Highlights from this inspiring event include original essays, videos and artwork showcasing young adults’ perspectives on U.S. immigration.

Learn About Teen Perspectives

Latest Resources

Teaching Immigration Lesson Plans and Resources

Immigrant Women and the Industrial Revolution

A lesson plan bundle that discusses the lives and impact of immigrant women during the Industrial Revolution

Culturally Responsive Teaching

2024 Immigrant Student Success Toolkit

Resources and strategies from the 2024 Immigrant Student Success conference

Teaching Immigration Lesson Plans and Resources

South Asian Immigration to the United States

Resource roundup that explores South Asian American history during a critical time period

The ILC K-12 Resources

Teaching U.S. Immigration Series book covers

Teaching U.S. Immigration Series

Incorporate immigration and immigrant stories into your middle and high school social studies and U.S. history classes with these original, Common Core-aligned lessons and activities. The Teaching U.S. Immigration Series materials are designed to be flexible and adaptable based on the needs of your class and include options such as multiple-leveled texts and exercises.

View the Materials
People reading around a stack of books

Book Guides

Designed for teachers, librarians, parents and anyone who leads read alouds with children, the Community Across Cultures Book Guides give you easy options for making storytime into a fun opportunity to learn about different cultures and foster empathy in this immigrant-rich population. The collection is growing, so stop back frequently, or sign up for our quarterly email updates.

View the Guides

Resources in your Inbox

Sign up for the latest from The Immigrant Learning Center. You can choose to receive inspiring stories of our impact, updates about immigration or the latest resources for teachers.