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Immigrant and Immigration Stories

Stories have the power to promote both understanding by being a window into others’ lives and empowerment by mirroring our own experiences. Watch videos and read written accounts by immigrants past and present, learn strategies for eliciting stories from your students, and share your story with others. 

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Community Across Cultures Book Guides

Teacher guides for read alouds about the newcomer experience, immigration and world cultures, tagged by country, theme, level and more.

Thirteen Famous Asian and Pacific Islander Immigrants

Immigrants from Asia and Pacific Islands are a diverse collection of more than 130 ethnic groups from a geographic area that spans 16 million square miles. Their dreams and talents are as diverse as they are and, despite the challenges and discrimination they have faced, they have made extraordinary contributions to the United States. The Immigrant Learning Center has compiled just nine of their stories, including an Olympic athlete, an HIV/AIDS activist, a U.S. senator and an astronaut.

Best 15 Books about Immigration for Students

Recommended books to diversify your classroom library or summer reading list with stories of the immigrant experience

Immigrant Storytelling in the American Narrative Toolkit

Experts in storytelling, the media and bilingual education give strategies for uplifting immigrant stories and empowering newly-arrived immigrant students.

Building Diverse, Culturally Responsive Text Sets

Guide to developing a collection of culturally responsive books about immigration, with examples

Professional Development Module: Refugees and Immigrants in Schools

Learn about refugees, engage families, identify and assist students needing support from traumatic experiences, storytelling and more

Neighbors, Not Strangers

An interactive digital storytelling project to show how immigrants are our neighbors to be encountered and embraced

Making a Digital Story

Curriculum for creating short videos of personal or family migration stories in a classroom or public workshop setting

Teaching Immigration with the Immigrant Stories Project

Three-unit curriculum for grades eight to adult using a library of original video stories made by immigrants and refugees

Book List: Immigrant/Refugee

Selection of books about immigrants and refugees that includes varied racial/cultural representation and a focus on #OwnVoices

Immigrant Nation (iNation)

Platform for creating, sharing and browsing immigration stories and short films, accessible in English, Spanish and French

English Language Learners and the Power of Personal Stories

Five steps for adopting an asset-based approach with EL students and related activities using New York Times resources