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Teaching Refugees, Unaccompanied Minor and SLIFE Students

Refugees, unaccompanied minors and students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) bring their own challenges and strengths to the classroom. The ILC Public Education Institute has compiled these resources to help you support these students.

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Supporting Unaccompanied Minors in the Classroom

Blog post on welcoming unaccompanied minors into your classroom, using a model that identifies four "core stressors" these migrants face

Sociology of Immigration, Part 1

Classic sociological frameworks and theories for understanding what happens when people come to a new society

Sociology of Immigration, Part 2

Sociological frameworks for immigration and research about Latino school experiences

Understanding the Refugee Experience: Welcome to the New World

Video of a teen refugee talking about his experiences in Syria, as a high school student in Connecticut, and more

Welcome to the New World Curriculum and Learning Guide

Curriculum about refugees, the migrant experience, the Syrian Civil War and other topical issues

Refugee Students

Effective practices, narratives, policy documents, and research products on refugee students and scholars


Free online center for information and education for refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and welcoming communities

Migration of Unaccompanied Children to the U.S.: Factors in Successful Integration

Article that describes six themes that promote and hinder the successful integration of unaccompanied minors in their communities

Families Belong Together Parent Resource Hub

Lessons, resources and coloring pages to help children develop compassion and self-understanding, and to become agents of change

Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff

Guide for helping to open the doors of opportunity for undocumented, unaccompanied and refugee children living in the United States

Promoting a Culture of Welcome for Refugees in Schools

One-hour webinar recording that shows how schools can promote a culture of welcome and models that work

Immigrant and Refugee Children

Compilation of resources intended to guide schools in preparing for newly enrolled unaccompanied minor and immigrant students

Professional Development Module: Refugees and Immigrants in Schools

Learn about refugees, engage families, identify and assist students needing support from traumatic experiences, storytelling and more

Professional Development Module: Key Immigration Issues

Professional development module helping educators understand contemporary immigration policies and issues

Immigrant Connections Online Professional Development

Webinars and self-paced courses about family engagement, cultivating leadership among immigrant parents, supporting unaccompanied minors and more

How to Support ELL Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFEs)

Report describing strategies for addressing the strengths and challenges of immigrants who are receiving formal education for the first time

Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) bulletin

Article for K-12 teachers working with immigrant English learner students with irregular educational backgrounds

Books That Explore the Refugee Experience

List of books for all grade levels on the experiences of refugees around the world

Supporting Latino Students with Interrupted Formal Education: A Guide for Teachers

Guide for K-12 teachers to approach their incoming students from other countries who stopped attending school in their home country