Immigrants and immigration play a vital role in the curricula of all subjects, from social studies and English language arts to STEM and art. The ILC Public Education Institute compiled this collection of lesson plans, curricular units and resources to help you incorporate immigration into your existing curriculum.
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Teaching Immigration Lesson Plans and Resources
Search teaching immigration lesson plan resources.
2024 Immigrant Student Success Conference Toolkit
Resources and strategies from the 2024 Immigrant Student Success conference
Teaching U.S. Immigration Series
Lesson plans and resources to incorporate immigration and immigrant stories into commonly taught U.S. history topics.
2023 Immigrant Student Success Toolkit
Resources and strategies from the 2023 Immigrant Student Success conference
Community Across Cultures Book Guides
Teacher guides for read alouds about the newcomer experience, immigration and world cultures, tagged by country, theme, level and more.
Use Immigration Narratives to Build a Sense of Belonging in Classrooms
Blog post on thoughtfully engaging with your students' immigration stories in the classroom
2022 Immigrant Student Success Toolkit
Resources and highlights from the 2022 Immigrant Student Success conference
Understanding the Refugee Experience: Welcome to the New World
Video of a teen refugee talking about his experiences in Syria, as a high school student in Connecticut, and more
Welcome to the New World Curriculum and Learning Guide
Curriculum about refugees, the migrant experience, the Syrian Civil War and other topical issues
Reading Guides for South Asia Books
Printable reading guides for children's books about South Asia
Reading Guides for First Generation Family Books
Printable reading guides and activities for books that amplify the experiences of first generation families
Teach East Africa
Lessons, videos and more for teaching about East Africa
Professional Development Module: Immigration in Elementary Schools
Develop stronger relationships with immigrant students and families, use literature to teach about immigration, and more
Asian American Education Project
Lesson plans for grades K-12 and PD on Asian American history
South Asian American Digital Archive Resources for Educators
Resources, lessons and activities to bring South Asian American history and stories into the classroom
What Does it Mean To Be An American?
Free curriculum offers six lessons for educators, high school students and college students on what it means to be American
Neighbors, Not Strangers
An interactive digital storytelling project to show how immigrants are our neighbors to be encountered and embraced
Immigration Videos and Lesson Plans
Short, free videos that connect immigration's past and present; includes lesson plans and resources for teachers
Making a Digital Story
Curriculum for creating short videos of personal or family migration stories in a classroom or public workshop setting
Teaching Immigration with the Immigrant Stories Project
Three-unit curriculum for grades eight to adult using a library of original video stories made by immigrants and refugees
Book List: Immigrant/Refugee
Selection of books about immigrants and refugees that includes varied racial/cultural representation and a focus on #OwnVoices