Do you believe immigrants help make this country great? Do you want to have a tangible impact on someone else’s life? The Immigrant Learning Center offers many ways to get involved. Stay up to date on The Immigrant Learning Center’s work by subscribing to our newsletter.
What does it take to give immigrants a voice? You!

Photo credit: Don Toothaker Photography.
Classroom Volunteer
Help foreign-born adults learn English as well as gain an understanding of the American culture. Under the supervision of The ILC teachers, classroom volunteers work with students one-on-one or in small groups on conversation, reading, writing or pronunciation. All instruction is in English.
Volunteers are asked to commit to assisting at least one class per week for a minimum of four months. Classroom volunteering is done in person.
Inquire with Laura Straub,
The ILC Students are a joy to work with and a continuous source of inspiration. No matter how many hours they work or how late at night they return home, they come to school each day ready to learn English. Their daily smiles and laughter lift my spirits, and their genuine appreciation for the work we do at The ILC makes volunteering here a pleasure.”
– Mary Jane Orme
Substitute ESOL Teacher
Substitute teachers are needed for both planned and last-minute teacher absences and will follow ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) lesson plans left by the teacher. Teaching experience required. Stipend provided.
Inquire with Laura Straub,
The ILC students maintain a consistently positive attitude, which has a contagious effect on everyone in the class. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to work with such extraordinary individuals and to be able to make even a small contribution to their success.”
— Andy Koppel
Guest Speaker
The ILC teachers will sometimes use outside speakers to provide students with information on work/family/life issues. If you have expertise you would like to share with a class full of new Americans, please contact Laura Straub,